We chat with you

First we chat with you as the primary contact. You tell us about the person you want the pod to be made for and the reason behind the gift. 

You send us contact details

You send over contact details for your friends & family who you think would like to be involved. We recommend between 5-10 contributors for each pod. 

We chat to the contributors

Using the preferred contact method for each participant, we message explaining the gift and ask them for a song and a voice note of their dedication.  We of course give them a few days to think of their music, and to get inspired! 

We go into the studio...

A YGTP producer goes into the studio to gather all the dedications, editing and presenting your birthday podcast, tailored to your requests and with the receipient in mind.  

We send the link to you

We send the link for you to review before you send on to your loved one. We allow for one round of edits with one working day turnaround before the big day, to make the pod perfect for your special person! . 

You send to your loved one at your leisure!

Its time for the big surprise! You can then send on the link to them as and when you choose.  You can send to those that took part too, to enjoy the show all together, no matter how far apart!